Zebra Midge – 01/08/2025

Zebra Midge 021/08/2025 Photo Album

The zebra midge is another fly I should deploy more frequently, particularly when I am fishing lakes during the run off time frame. Here is a link to my post regarding zebra midges from December 2023.

Size 20 with Copper Wire

This fly is easy to tie yet effective. I need to convince myself that trout can see this tiny morsel in the drift. Since I use the fly infrequently, I suffered very little in the way of losses. I counted my flies in my various storage containers, and I determined I was adequately supplied; however, I decided to crank out three to stay in practice, and because they are so easy to make.

Red Rib Version

Bring on the midges in 2025.

A Batch of Three with Two Necessary Materials