Parachute Ant 02/26/2020 Photo Album
I would never want to be present on a stream or lake without a parachute ant in my fly box. I recall numerous occasions, when fish were rising to unidentifiable food sources, and I cycled through a dozen flies without a favorable response. As a last resort I plucked a black size 18 parachute ant from my box; and, boom, the extra selective fish confidently sipped my ant. Imagine how good it would be, if I did not save it for my fly of last resort. I do recall several instances on South Boulder Creek, when I used a black parachute ant as a searching pattern, and it produced in fine fashion. In these cases the water was smooth, and I was able to follow the fly easily.
Better Focus
For a materials table, background on my introduction to this fly, and step by step tying instructions please refer to my earlier post of 01/11/2012. This fly will not disappoint you.
I counted my parachute ants stashed in my fly box and boat box and storage compartments and ascertained that I possessed adequate quantities for 2020. I, therefore, do not need to adjourn to my vice to manufacture additional flies, but when I do, I’ll have my 01/11/2012 post to refer to.
Thanks Dave! Just checking in and letting you know I am still a follower and reader of your blog. Good luck this year fishing and also best of health to you and yours!
Dave Henderson