Emerald Caddis Pupa 12/30/2018 Photo Album
For a materials list and my history with this fly check out my post of 01/01/2012. The emerald caddis pupa continued to be an effective fly among my collection in 2018. I used it in the early season and summer, when I observed sparse numbers of adult caddis in the streamside vegetation. It seemed to attract fish in situations when there was an absence of other abundant aquatic insects. I attributed its effectiveness to the body color and the antron sheath which mimics a trapped air bubble in an emerging caddis..
Trailing Shuck Version
I often impart action to this fly, and the trout react favorably to this tactic. In fact on many occasions I utilize fairly rapid strips at the end of the drift, and underwater residents respond with aggressive grabs. I may be handicapping this fly by relegating it to some of the more challenging situations, when my other favorites fail to produce.
As with the go2 caddis and bright green caddis pupa I possessed a considerable quantity of old damaged caddis pupa in need of repair. I refurbished nine and added six to my backup supply while including the other three in a gift to my son.