Category Archives: Nymphs

Baetis Nymphs – 01/12/2014

Baetis Nymphs 01/12/2014 Photo Album

Upon finishing the salvation nymph supply, I reviewed my fly tying to do list and noticed that the next patterns were RS2’s and soft hackle emergers. These are both very productive flies in Colorado during the spring and fall BWO hatches. I’ve had days when trout tune into these subsurface imitations like kids tune into candy on Halloween night. I can recall several occasions when I spotted only a handful of adults in the air, but the fish hammered subsurface nymphs and emergers. Apparently the nymphs get active but do not always emerge on the surface, and the fish notice this.

Beadhead RS2

Beadhead RS2

The RS2 has historically been my most productive baetis nymph imitation, and I’ve gradually evolved to tying all of them with a tiny nickel bead behind the eye. This added weight allows me to fish the RS2 as a single dropper beneath a buoyant attractor, although I sometimes fish it as a third fly on the point with a larger beadhead nymph in the middle position. There are also many times when the dry/dropper does not produce, but fishing a deeper nymph rig with a strike indicator does the trick. The RS2 is also productive in these instances as the point fly. I suspect this method excels when the nymphs are swimming up from deeper in the water column.

Teal Baetis Nymph

Teal Baetis Nymph

Once I completed the 15 RS2’s according to my plan, I found another ten that were in my refurbishment supply, and I made them as good as new. In addition, I retrieved 9 teal baetis nymphs and 8 WD40’s and refurbished them as well. These two patterns also imitate BWO nymphs, and I’ve had occasional success with them. The WD40’s present a very narrow profile and seem to produce best when extremely tiny mayflies are visible in the air.



The final pattern that I tied in this BWO genre was the soft hackle emerger. This pattern caught my eye when I spotted it in Charlie’s Flybox, and I made a few two winters ago and then experimented with them successfully during the summer of 2012. Given this success I stocked up on more for 2013, and they became much more of a mainstay on my line. In fact, I began going to the soft hackle emerger before the RS2 in many situations, and I was not disappointed. After tying nine additional soft hackle emergers, I enter 2014 with 50 at my disposal. This is indicative of my confidence in this new addition to my arsenal.

Another View of the BWO Soft Hackle Emerger

Another View of the BWO Soft Hackle Emerger

Salvation Nymph – 01/06/2014

Salvation Nymph 01/06/2014 Photo Album

When I posted my last report on the salvation nymph a year ago around this time, it was mainly an experimental fly. I’d caught a few fish on it, but there were other flies in my arsenal that spent more time on the end of my line. After another year of fly fishing I can report that the salvation nymph has improved its ranking among the various flies in my box. There were several occasions during the year when this fly came through in a big way, so I decided to replenish my supply for the coming season.

I counted 13 in my large storage box plus a few in my fleece pouch so I decided to tie an additional 19 to bring my inventory to 35 entering the new season. Upon my return from Argentina and after taking a break during the holiday season, I returned to my fly tying desk with the start of 2014. I finished tying my supply of beadhead hares ear nymphs and launched into salvation nymph production tying mode. I followed the steps outlined in a previous blog post and completed the nineteen according to my plan. Similar to the hares ear nymph I added several additional points where I applied head cement to hopefully prolong the life of the fly before the thread unravels.

Closer Top View

Closer Top View

Once I’d completed nineteen new flies I searched through the four or five canisters of unraveling and damaged flies on my desk and discovered four or five in need of repair. I refurbished these and brought my total stock to 40. Hopefully these will serve me during the coming year as I intend to use the salvation nymph even more frequently than in previous seasons. I love the look of this attractor nymph with numerous points of light reflection including ice dub, pearl flashabou, and flash back black.

November Fly Tying – 11/27/2013

November Fly Tying 11/27/2013 Photo Album

It’s 9:30AM on November 27 and I’m killing time waiting to depart for the airport and our long flight to Buenos Aires, Argentina. High temperatures in Buenos Aires are around 80 degrees and highs in Bariloche are upper 60’s and low 70’s. I can’t wait, even though highs in Denver for Thanksgiving are projected at 55 degrees. My bags are packed, my checklists are marked, and in an hour Jane and I will depart for the RTD terminal where we will board the Skyride shuttle that will transport us to DIA.

Size 14 Black Caddis Tied for Argentina

Size 14 Black Caddis Tied for Argentina

In preparation for the fishing in Argentina I purchased some flies and allocated some of my inventory to an Argentina fly box. In addition Taylor Edrington advised that I should be prepared with some large caddis as Patagonia has a heavy population of these insects. I have quite a few caddis that I tie for Colorado, but they are mainly size 16, so I sat down at my vice and produced some size 14 caddis. I made three with a medium olive body, three Adams gray, three black and three tan. I already possessed three yellow versions that I purchased. I tied these flies with a deer hair tail, brown hackle palmered over the body, a deer hair wing and a grizzly hackle in front of the wing. These flies should float well and present a very bushy image on the lakes and streams of Argentina.

Nice Scraggly Hares Ear

Nice Scraggly Hares Ear

Another phase of my preparation was to take an inventory of all my go to nymphs and attractors. I created a list with a count of the flies I had and then also noted how many I planned to tie this winter for the 2014 season. My top producer year in and year out has been Dave’s beadhead hares ear nymph and I like to enter each season with 100 of these in stock. My count revealed to me that I needed to tie 44 to rebuild my inventory to 100, so I’ve been busy working on this goal over the last two weeks. In addition I tied 15 for a fishing buddy and packaged them up and put them in the U.S. mail. I tied my beadhead hares ears in the same manner as I’ve used historically, however, I initiated the practice of applying head cement at three critical junctures in the process to improve durability. I noticed that my hares ears tend to unravel just in front of the tail and also just behind the bead, so I dab head cement on the thread wraps just in front of the tail before dubbing the abdomen. Once I’ve tied in the wing case I apply more head cement to the wraps in the thorax area before wrapping the dubbing. Finally I apply clear nail polish to the final wraps behind the bead. Hopefully all these improvements will enhance the durability of Dave’s hares ear nymph.

Iron Sally – 01/20/2013

Iron Sally 01/20/2013 Photo Album

Nice Top View

Nice Top View

Another fly I was introduced to by Taylor Edrington is the Iron Sally which serves as a nymph imitation of the yellow sallies that are prevelant on many Colorado streams during the summer. I purchased a couple from Royal Gorge Anglers but wanted to produce some on my own this winter, and over the weekend I had my opportunity. I found a YouTube video that demonstated the tying steps, and made a trip to Charlie’s Fly Box to purchase ingredients that I was missing. I bought some Tiemco 5262 size 14 nymph hooks, gold ultra wire, and some black crystal flash and returned home to begin the process of tying my first prototype.

The fly is more time consuming than a hares ear nymph mostly due to the split out of the crystal flash fibers and the amount of materials added to the thorax area late in the process. I ended up using three different dubbing materails for the thorax area, but my favorite was natural hares ear. I ended up making five to go along with the one that I purchased and they look very attractive, but I wonder if they are really any more effective than a hares ear. The ultra wire abdomen definitely gives the fly more weight and the crystal flash makes it stand out more.

I’m anxious to give it a try and let the fish determine what they prefer. On to Pool Toy hoppers as my next new tying project.

Arkansas Rubber Legs – 01/17/2013

Arkansas Rubber Legs 01/17/2013 Photo Album


During several early trips to the Arkansas River I stopped at the Royal Gorge Angler and purchased some Arkansas Rubber Leg weighted nymphs, and I used these with positive results in my early season visits. The Arkansas Rubber Leg in combination with a beadhead RS2 proved particularly effective on several occasions.

Top View

Top View

On one of my later trips I stopped at RGA and asked Taylor Edrington to pull all the materials needed to tie these nymphs from his fly tying material stock. These sat on my fly tying desk for the remainder of the summer in a bag, but over the last few days I found myself in a position to tie this new fly for my arsenal. I found several You Tube videos that demonstrated how to tie Pat’s Rubberleg, and the Arkansas Rubberleg is essentually the same fly with slightly different colored chenille and rubber legs.

Materials and Beaded Hooks Needed

Materials and Beaded Hooks Needed

The fly is actually fairly simple to tie with the greatest challenge in aligning the rubber legs and then wrapping the chenille so it doesn’t lock down the rubber legs as you move forward. I’ve now completed eight and plan to make two more yielding ten in addition to the quantity I purchased as I head into the 2013 fishing season.

More Nymphs – 01/08/2013


More Nymphs 01/08/2013 Photo Album

On a guided fishing trip on private water of the Arkansas River in September my guide introduced me to the twenty incher stonefly imitation. I made some in October, but resolved to tie more during my winter tying sessions. Over the weekend I produced additional twenty inchers to increase my inventory to 20 entering the 2013 season. Hopefully the fish love the look of these as much as I do. I had some success on a couple late outings on the Arkansas River, and this fly has been around for quite a while in Colorado, so it is a proven producer.

Top View of Prince Nymph

Top View of Twenty Incher Nymph

20 Twenty Inchers Stashed

20 Twenty Inchers Stashed


Another fly that I tied and tested during 2012 is the salvation nymph. Until I returned to the Conejos River in July, I did not know what this fly was called, but I attempted to tie some by using a purchased fly as my model. These turned out rather nice and I used them with some success in October and November. I’m now in the process of tying additional quantities with the goal of entering the season with 25, and I’m considering using this fly in situations where I would normally use copper johns or beadhead pheasant tail nymphs.

Side View, Love the Flash

Side View, Love the Flash

A reader of this blog suggested that I use black peacock ice dub for the thorax so I purchased a pack and have been implementing that adjustment to my salvation nymph ingredient recipe. I love the look of this fly and hopefully the fish will like it even more. I’m also considering some color variations on the salvation nymph theme.

01/02/2013 – November/December Fly Tying

My last day of fishing in 2012 was November 21 on the Big Thompson River, and 2012 offered the longest fishing season I can remember as I began in early March and ended just before Thanksgiving. It was certainly a year to remember.

Zoomed in on Beadhead Hares Ear Compartment

Zoomed in on Beadhead Hares Ear Compartment

As I entered October I noticed that my supply of beadhead hares ear nymphs was low so I actually began my production tying then and continued through the end of the year while continuing to fish concurrently. So far I’ve stocked my fly boxes with 100 beadhead hares ear nymphs, 50 beadhead RS2’s, 50 beadhead pheasant tail nymphs, 25 BWO size 22 soft hackle emergers, 45 bright green caddis pupa, 30 emerald caddis pupa, 25 light yellow caddis pupa, 15 black and olive beadhead midge larva, and 25 duke nymphs (simplifed prince nymphs).

100 Beadhead Hares Ear Nymphs

100 Beadhead Hares Ear Nymphs

I’ve now entered the realm of tying flies newly discovered as effective in 2012, and this includes my current work in process twenty inchers. I hope to enter the season with 20 of these so I probably need to tie 10 more. Next up in the nymph genre will be salvation nymphs (20), Arkansas rubber legs (20), and iron sallies (20).

50 Beadhead RS2's

50 Beadhead RS2’s

That should put me in a good position in the nymph category, and I will then move into large attractor dry flies including Letort hoppers and Chernobyl ants. I was disappointed with the Charlie Boy hopper, so I plan to attempt some Pool Toys as recommended by Taylor Edrington.

BWO Soft Hackle Emergers

BWO Soft Hackle Emergers

After I am satisfied with my large attractor dry fly supply, I will take an inventory of my standard dry flies such as comparaduns and caddis dries and restock as necessary. There is a lot of work in front of me, but I truly enjoy tying and especially experimenting with new flies. The advent of YouTube fly tying videos has been a huge benefit to tyers such as myself.

Teal Baetis Nymph – 02/09/2012

How many different types of baetis nymphs does a fisherman need for his or her fly box? I made some teal baetis nymphs from Scott Sanchez’s book several years ago and pretty much exhausted my supply. As I flipped through the book again, I noticed it and decided to tie a few more.

HookTiemco 2457, size 20 or standard size 20 hook
BeadTiny black, silver or glass bead to fit hook
ThreadDark olive 6/0
RibFine silver wire
Tail/AbdomenSmall clump of teal feather fibers
ThoraxSmall amount of olive dubbing


Nice Side View

Scott’s pattern suggests using a clear glass bead or black metal bead. I had both available, but the glass beads tend to break after a lot of usage so I opted for the metal bead. I threaded five beads on to five hooks and gathered the materials and began to tie. Originally I thought I might make more than five, but after tying several I changed my mind and halted my teal baetis nymph production at five. Tying with the teal fibers is very tedious due to the fragile nature of the twisted fibers. I tore off the fibers two or three times in my efforts to twist and wrap the abdomen.

Tilted to See Teal Abdomen

When I notice blue wing olives hatching, I tend to select a RS2 from my fly patch, but I do recall an occasion when the teal baetis nymph produced. I was on the South Platte River in Wildcat Canyon late in the afternoon and observed some olives emerging. I was running low on RS2’s, and since I’d hiked three miles from my car, I didn’t have the option of returning to the car to supplement the flies on my patch so I selected a teal baetis nymph and fished it as the bottom fly below a beadhead hares ear and attractor top fly. The teal baetis nymph produced well in this situation, thus, I’d like to have a few available.

From the Top


Ultra Zug Free-Living Caddis – 02/02/2012

Scott Sanchez’s book presented a third ultra zug recipe, and I was so enamored with the results of the first two patterns that I replicated, that I decided to tie five ultra zug free-living caddis. As with the others, this is a simple tie and could replace the bright green caddis pupa that take longer to make.

HookTiemco 2457, size 14
BeadBlack to fit hook size
ThreadBlack 6/0
RibStrand of crystal flash
AbdomenLime green dubbing
CollarSparse synthetic peacock dubbing spun behind bead

I raided daughter Amy’s bead collection to obtain the plastic black bead for this fly. Thanks Amy.

Ultra Zug Hare’s Ear – 02/01/2012

The ultra zug hare’s ear is a variation on the ultra zug. I was quite pleased with the ultra zug, and Sanchez provides the recipe for an ultra zug hare’s ear at the end of the chapter. Could this be a faster tie for the beadhead hare’s ear that I tie in large quantities? I made five of these, and I hope to test them in situations where I use the beadhead hare’s ear and compare the performance.
HookTiemco 2457, size 14
BeadGold to fit hook size
ThreadBrown 6/0
TailFibers from partridge or pheasant body feather
RibStrand of crystal flash
BodyNatural hare's mask
CollarSynthetic gray or olive brown dubbing spun behind bead
Ultra Hares Ear with Olive Brown Collar

The pattern called for synthetic hare’s ear dubbing for the abdomen, but I elected to use the scraggly hair from a hare’s mask that I normally use. I believe that the guard hairs protruding in every direction are part of the reason this fly is so effective. For the collar I tried two different materials. On the first three I used the charcoal gray sculpin wool that my friend Jeff sent me. My beadhead hare’s ear has a gray wing case and light brown or tan legs, so I felt the charcoal wool approximated this coloring near the head of the fly. The last two I tied using synthetic olive brown dubbing material. These look equally buggy with a darker coloration near the head of the imitation.

Ultra Hares Ear with Charcoal Sculpin Wool Collar