Time: 11:30AM – 3:30PM
Location: Eleven Mile Canyon
South Platte River 03/26/2025 Photo Album
With weather on Wednesday projected to be similar if not nicer than Monday, I booked another fly fishing trip. For this outing I selected the South Platte River in Eleven Mile Canyon. Even the renowned icebox in a canyon was expected to reach high temperatures in the low sixties.
I arrived at my favorite pullout at 11:00AM, and after my usual preparation and a short hike, I was perched along the edge of the river ready to cast by 11:30AM. Because of the shadows and the nine mile per hour wind, I slipped on my Under Armour long-sleeve thermal undershirt, and I added my fleece hoodie along with my rain shell as a windbreaker. I was comfortable for the morning and early afternoon, but I was forced to remove my raincoat and unzipped my fleece during the warmest part of the day from 1:30PM until 2:30PM. My rod choice was my Sage One five weight in the event that I hooked up with a larger than average trout.
The flows were quite low at 64 CFS, so I expected technical fishing, but I selected a size 8 amber ice dub chubby Chernobyl nonetheless. I knew that the heavy foam fly would create a splash, when it landed in the river, but I planned to counter that concern by fishing the edges of faster and deeper water. For subsurface offerings I knotted a 20 incher as the top nymph and an olive perdigon as the anchor fly.
In the hour before I broke for lunch at 12:30PM, I landed two very respectable rainbow trout in the thirteen inch range. Both nabbed the perdigon, and one emerged from a deep pocket, and the other came from a long deep run near the left bank.
I arrived at the long slow-moving pool with a huge vertical rock wall along the western edge by 12:30PM, and that is where I consumed my lunch. I carefully observed the pool for fish activity, but it remained still and devoid of action. After lunch I waded into the midsection, and I fanned casts to the entering runs and along the fast water seams, but to no avail.
A pair of fishermen appeared above me in the next smaller pool, so I crossed below them and walked along the opposite bank. I had my sights set on the large bend pool, but another angler preceded me, and he was stationed along the opposite bank, where one of the braids that bordered a small island reentered the main river. I thought about asking if he would mind if I fished the entering riffle, but I decided to keep moving, as I knew there was much productive water ahead.
I fished the west braid around the small island and then crossed to the flats next to the steep bank below the tunnel. I spotted a few fish in the flats, but without the benefit of hatching insects, I knew catching a fish with the low river levels was a long shot. I attempted a few casts from the right bank above the flats, but in the process I snapped off my olive perdigon. Needless to say, I was not happy about losing another fly with an expensive tungsten bead. I replaced the perdigon with a beadhead hares ear and combined it with an emerald caddis pupa. I moved on and skipped by the narrow area with a high rock wall and crossed the river at the ninety degree bend.
Next I approached another long smooth pool that featured some very attractive entering runs that flowed around several large exposed boulders. I covered this section quite thoroughly, but the fish failed to cooperate. The sun was bright, and no clouds appeared in the bluebird sky, and the temperature hit its peak. This was the time frame, when I removed my raincoat and unzipped my fleece. I looked at my watch and noted that it was 2:30PM, so I endured two hours without any action whatsoever.
I decided it was time for a change, so I swapped the chubby for a peacock hippie stomper and then combined it with the olive perdigon and a classic RS2 size 22. I began working my way through the pocket water above the large pool, after I circled around another pair of fishermen. Some large clouds slid above me and blocked the sun, and the wind kicked up a bit. I spotted one lonely blue wing olive, and suddenly trout began attacking my nymphs. The next three fish were beneath twelve inches, but I was pleased with the action. All three attacked the perdigon, as the slender olive nymph resumed its position, as the hot fly in my arsenal.
I moved farther up the river and ended my day with two fine rainbow trout in the thirteen inch range. One nipped the perdigon, and the other chomped the RS2. I also experienced momentary hookups with three other trout, but they managed to twist free after a very brief connection. I suspect that the three escapees grabbed the tiny RS2.
I would by lying, if I said I was satisfied with my day. After a fifteen fish day on Monday on the Arkansas River, my expectations soared. Nevertheless, seven fish on March 26 is quite satisfactory for early in the season. Four of the landed trout were rainbows in the twelve to fourteen inch range, and three were below twelve inches. The weather was very favorable for March in the Colorado Rockies, and that was another positive. I am rolling into the 2025 season with a bit of momentum.
Fish Landed: 7