Salvation Nymph 12/09/2018 Photo Album
The story of my introduction to the salvation nymph is contained in my post of 12/30/2011. Between that time and now it evolved into my second most productive fly after the beadhead hares ear, and for several years the salvation actually surpassed the hares ear in productivity. Check out the link to the 2011 post to see a materials table and my description of the steps required to manufacture this killer fly.
Look at the Back
I often fish the salvation nymph and hares ear nymph in a two fly combination beneath a large foam attractor fly, and this lineup frequently generates hot action. Upon completing my hares ear tying I inventoried my salvation nymph supply, and I discovered that my various storage boxes contained sixty-eight. Ironically this matched precisely my stock of hares ear nymphs, before I replenished. I adhered to my goal of storing one hundred salvations to begin the new season, and consequently I cranked out thirty-two new models.
Looking Great
I added one improvement to my salvation nymph process during my recent production tying project. Jane gave me a Solarez UV resin kit last year for Christmas, and the salvations became my first Solarez application. I applied the liquid resin to the entire back of the salvation nymph, and I was very pleased with the shimmering translucent effect. All thirty-two of the newly produced flies received a thin coat, and I am hopeful that this finishing touch will make the salvation nymph even more productive. It will be fun to continue the salvation experiment in 2019.
Love the Solarez