Wiggle Damsel – 02/19/2025

Wiggle Damsel 02/19/2025 Photo Album

More background on the wiggle damsel is available in my post of 01/06/2020. These flies are mainly reserved for stillwater fly fishing. I often read about damsel emergences on lakes, which motivate trout to gorge on the migrating nymphs, as they move toward reeds and weeds along the shoreline. I have never encountered this situation, but I have tried.

Last year in early June I fished Beaver Lake in the town of Marble, CO, and an abundant quantity of damsel flies were present including some nymphs in the process of emerging on the shoreline rocks. I switched to a wiggle nymph, but I was unable to tap into the action. A reader of this blog commented that damsel nymphs should be fished just below the surface, and I think I was using weight, so that may explain my lack of success. It was a lesson learned, and I will surely try one without using weight should I encounter another promising damsel emergence situation.

Wiggle Damsels from My Storage Container

This fly was designed by Charlie Craven, and it features an articulated body. I love the way the rear section undulates, as I slowly hand twist my retrieve.

I counted my wiggle damsels, and I learned that I had adequate quantities for the new season, so I bypassed additional tying. Last winter I also tied some olive mini leeches, and these could also serve as damsel nymphs. It is always good to have backup.

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