Salvation Nymph – 12/10/2024

Salvation Nymph 12/10/2024 Photo Album

Of all my flies, the salvation nymph is number one. That says a lot. I really do not have much to add regarding this workhorse nymph. Over the past several years I added the step of applying UV resin to the wing case and the flashback over the abdomen. This enhances the flash of this fly even more. The pearl flashabou strand, the shiny flashback black material, the silver holographic ice dub, and the black peacock ice dub provide flash over every millimeter of this fly, and the fish seem to love it. Feel free to check out my posts from prior years for more information, and you can start with this link to 11/25/2023. It contains a link as well, and you can work backward.

A Model of Flash

As one might expect, given the significant number of hours that this fly resides on my line, I lost quite a few during the past season. I knuckled down at the vise and produced another twenty-six to increase my inventory to one hundred for the start of the new season. One hundred is obviously way more than I need, but I suspect that something will arise in future years that prevents me from tying, so why not possess a safety stock?

Twenty-Six Ready for Action

My previous post with the link above provides some information on how to find tying instructions or how to search for them in case you wish to purchase. Bring on the 2025 salvation chomping trout.