Prince Nymph – 12/17/2024

Prince Nymph 12/17/2024 Photo Album

For a brief rundown on the prince nymph and a link to prior year posts, please click on 11/19/2022. The prince nymph is always among the top five nymphs cited as necessary flies to maintain in one’s fly box, and I agree with that assessment.

Small Version

I always carry an adequate quantity of sizes 12 and 14 in my fleece wallet. I also weight these flies with non-toxic wire, and I tie with a bead. This fly sinks, and I frequently deploy it as the top subsurface fly in a dry/dropper arrangement, thus, assuring deep drifts. Quite often the fish demonstrate a preference for the weighted nymph over the smaller end fly.

Size 12

My count suggested that I needed four prince nymphs of each size, so I applied my talents to the vise and produced that quantity. Three of the smaller nymphs were derived from old prince nymphs that outlived their usefulness.

A Batch of Eight Awaiting Storage