Pool Toy Hopper – 01/18/2025

Pool Toy Hopper 01/18/2025 Photo Album

There are a vast number of hopper patterns to choose from out there, and I am certain that there are some that outperform the pool toy hopper. I first became acquainted with this fly, when I asked a fishing guide that I respected what his favorite hopper pattern was. He replied pool toy hopper, and I tied some and have stuck with them for many years. They are very buoyant, and they are visible, and they serve the dual purpose of catching fish and supporting nymphs in a dry/dropper set up.

Nice Look

In the early years of tying this fly, I produced various body colors, but I have since concluded that body color is not that important; and, thus, all my pool toy hoppers are size eight with a light tan or beige body. They seem to work. I have a lingering supply of yellow, and then some pinks and grays. Perhaps I should experiment with other colors, but why mess with success?

My last post was on 01/27/2024, so you may want to check that out. It has a link to earlier posts, and you can trace these links back for quite a few years.

Cluster of Eight

Andrew Grillos is the creator of this fly along with the hippie stomper, and I cannot contemplate fly fishing without the benefit of these two masterpieces of foam. I counted my holdings of pool toy hoppers and discovered quite a bit of shrinkage, and I can certainly attest to losing many of these hoppers to trees and bushes. In order to restore my inventory to my optimal stocking level, I tied eight additional models in tan. I refurbished two that were missing legs on one side, and then I applied my skills to the vise and cranked out another six.

Hopefully the pool toy hopper continues to provide many days of entertainment on trout streams this summer.