Who was Pat? I always wonder about this, when I approach my vise to produce some of the weighted wiggly stonefly imitations. I tied several batches of these in a yellow-brown chenille to imitate molting golden stoneflies in the early 2000’s, but then I drifted away from this popular fly. I reprised the Pat’s rubber legs last winter after glowing reports from my friend, Dave G. Check out my post of 01/10/2020 to familiarize yourself with my history with this fly as well as a materials table.
Wild Legs
My reintroduction of Pat’s rubber legs got off to a roaring start, when I landed two rainbows on it during my first outing of 2020. Check out my post of 01/26/2020 to read more about this rare winter outing. I tied the rubber legs to my line on several subsequent spring outings, but unfortunately, as the season developed, I strayed from my Pat’s rubber legs revival campaign. When I showed Dave G. the flies that I produced, he said they were not quite the same color as the ones that produced outstanding results for him on the Eagle River and Colorado River. I based my choice of variegated chenille on the fact that his guide called it a pickle fly. For my winter tying session in December 2020 I purchased some coffee and black chenille at Charlie’s Fly Box, and I manufactured five of these weighted stonefly imitations. Hopefully I give the green and coffee rubber legs a trial in 2021, and if I do, perhaps I will enjoy success similar to Dave G.
Pat’s Rubber Legs Coffee-Black
Do you post a list of your current flys, sizes and colors anywhere on the site?
Hi Dennis. Thanks for reading my blog. No, the closest you could get to that on my site would be to go to the Categories area along the right side. Within that there are categories for dry flies, nymphs, streamers and terrestrials. Once you click on the category you would have to scroll through each post for that type of fly from most recent to oldest. I have sheets of tablet paper where I record the flies when I count them to determine how many I plan to tie each off season. I could scan these and email to you. For the most part these count sheets have the name of the fly, the hook size and color. They are handwritten. Dave