Parachute Black Ant – 02/18/2025

Parachute Black Ant 02/18/2025 Photo Album

My post of 01/11/2012 contains a materials table and step by step tying instructions that I recorded by watching Tom Baltz tie at The Fly Fishing Show. I referred back to this post before I began tying new parachute black ants. I discovered that my last post on the parachute black ant was 02/22/2018, and that post was informative as well. From this bit of research I surmise that I have not tied ants since 2018.

Narrow Waist Is Key

Even though I have historically experienced decent luck with this small terrestrial, I tend to overlook it when selecting patterns to knot on my leader. I suspect it has to do with visibility, as its low floating posture makes it difficult to track even with the bright wing post. It is a likely candidate, however, to pair with a larger fly in a double dry fly arrangement. I will try to remember that, as I move into the 2025 season.

Materials and Three Size 18 Ants

I counted my stock of size 18 black parachute ants, and I probably had adequate numbers for the new season; however, I gathered up the minimal materials required and produced another three. It was fun to pull up my 2012 tying instructions and make a few fresh terrestrials to stay in practice.

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