Klinkhammer BWO – 02/16/2025

Klinkhammer BWO 02/16/2025 Photo Album

I recommend reading my post of 01/09/2018 for a more detailed explanation on the circumstances that cause me to knot a Klinkhammer BWO to my line. This article also includes a materials table.

Originally I envisioned the Klinkhammer emerger pattern as a solution to the riddle of disappointing results, when using my CDC blue wing olive during a baetis hatch. I thought that the fish were grabbing emergers, before they were blown away by the strong gusts of wind, and the Klinkhammer style with the dangling abdomen and shuck seemed like a solid bet to solve the riddle. Tilt. They did not perform any better than the CDC blue wing olive, although I have experienced sporadic luck with them. The white wing post is a positive, as it allows me to track the fly better than the gray CDC.

Visible White Wing Post Is Welcome for Tracking

I still carry a supply of the Klinkhammers, and I decided to count the quantity in my bins. The inventory yielded the conclusion that I possessed an adequate supply, so I did not tie additional quantities for 2025.

Comparaduns – 02/16/2025

Comparaduns 02/16/2025 Photo Album

For the background story on my relationship with the comparadun, read my post of 02/21/2014. I just read it, and it brought back many of the details embedded in the adoption story of this fly. I highly recommend reading it, if you are not familiar with or a proponent of this style of fly.

Nice Fan Wing Size 16 Light Gray Comparadun

During a pale morning dun hatch, these comparaduns are indispensable. I carry them in size sixteen and eighteen and with cinnamon and light gray body colors. My poly light gray dubbing has hints of light yellow in it, and I think this is a key to its effectiveness. I bought the stuff in Pennsylvania at the inception of my fly tying career, but I retain a huge supply, and this alleviates any concerns about running out.

Size 18 Light Gray on a Refurbished Hook

I have experienced many fantastic days of fishing to pale morning hatches, and rarely do these comparaduns let me down. I have hit the PMD hatch on the Colorado River in July, the Yampa River in June, the South Platte River in late June and July, the Arkansas River in July, South Boulder Creek in August through September, and the Frying Pan River during August through October. The cinnamon comparadun shines on the Frying Pan River.

Size 18 Cinnamon Comparadun

I usually test the cinnamon version first, and on rare occasions the trout ignore it, so I switch to the light gray body color. Rarely do I find that neither of these flies work. As an aside, the salvation nymph and pheasant tail nymph are also stalwart performers before, during and after PMD hatches, but I usually use the hatch as an opportunity to fish the comparadun dry fly.

Nine New Comparaduns with Associated Materials

As is my practice, I counted my comparaduns, and I concluded that I needed to add three size 18 cinnamon, two size 18 light gray, and four size 16 light gray. Actually, I probably could have skipped tying any, but I wanted to round out my inventory to multiples of five. Why? Don’t ask. It’s just who I am.

CDC Blue Wing Olive – 02/14/2025

CDC Blue Wing Olive 02/14/2025 Photo Album

For a look at my history with this fly inspect my post of 02/18/2022. I was unable to search for more recent posts, so this leads me to believe that I have not tied these flies in a few years. That is hard to accept, because I use and lose these tiny morsels quite frequently; however, I used my chronological listing of posts to scroll back through fly reports for 2023 and 2024, and I found no more current titles referencing CDC blue wing olives. It is also possible that I forgot to complete a write up.

Size 20

At any rate, I tie these flies in three sizes; 20, 22, and 24. I also tie other small blue wing olive imitations such as the Klinkhammer version and soft hackle emergers. Generally the CDC BWO tied comparadun style gets the job done, but frustrating episodes, where the fish ignore my trusty mainstay led to experimentation with variants. Recently small soft hackle emergers fished in the film with floatant have brought a degree of success particularly during windy conditions. I suspect the soft hackle and the swept back fluoro fiber wing represent a cripple or a fly struggling to get airborne in cold temperatures with strong wind.

Minute Size 24

I also suspect that the trout key on movement, and the dead drifting motionless CDC blue wing olive does not cut it, when motion is the image that trout are scanning the surface for. For this reason I tied a few hackled CDC BWO imitations to experiment with in the upcoming season. I made these in size 22, and they are the same as a CDC BWO, except that they feature a small hackle collar wound behind and in front of the wing.

Hackled Variety

My annual count of CDC BWO’s suggested that I tie four size 20’s, two size 24’s and five size 22’s with hackle. I am anxious to continue the experiment with CDC BWO variations in 2025.

Eleven New CDC BWO Flies

Stimulators – 02/11/2025

Stimulators 02/11/2025 Photo Album

Stimulators! I cannot think of a more appropriate name for this fly. They are easy to track, because they float high and dry on all those hackles, and the fish take notice. Fish are stimulated by the fuzzy image of a stimulator.

New Materials Purchased to Make Stimulators

Check out my posts of 02/13/2024 and 02/14/2024 for additional information on this popular fly. Each has links to previous posts for deep drilling this fly further. When I journeyed to Argentina for a fishing trip at Rio Manso Lodge, I bought a fly box in preparation, and it contained quite a few stimulators. When I returned to Colorado, I decided to experiment with them, and I was quite pleased with that decision. Since then, stimulators have become a necessary fly in my fly box.

Pale Olive Body Size 14

I primarily rely on three colors; yellow, gray and light olive. Yellow sees a lot of line time during golden stonefly and yellow sally seasons, and the gray and olive are effective searching patterns all year long. If trout are refusing my hippie stomper as the surface fly, I sometimes switch to a stimulator and trail a smaller dry in a double dry fly configuration. This combination is especially effective on high gradient mountains streams during the summer months.

Size 14 Yellow Stimulator

I counted all my stimulators and determined that I was adequately supplied except for olive, so I produced six additional size 14 and 16 pale olive body stimulators. In addition, I discovered four damaged yellow stimulators in my refurbishment canister, so I repaired them to yield two more size fourteens and two size sixteens. I am very anxious to roll out my stimulators in 2025.

A Batch of Ten

Boulder Creek – 02/07/2025

Time: 1:40PM – 3:30PM

Location: City of Boulder, CO

Boulder Creek 02/07/2025 Photo Album

As I looked ahead at the weather, I noticed the high temperature in Denver, CO on Friday, February 7, 2025 was predicted to be 65 degrees. Could this be my first day of fly fishing in 2025?

I reviewed my Weather Underground app for potential fly fishing destinations, but I quickly learned that high winds were the prevailing weather for Friday. South Boulder Creek was windy and cold, and Clear Creek’s display showed a similar circumstance. I shifted my attention to the South Platte River, and Cheesman Canyon, Deckers and Eleven Mile Canyon were  facing high wind velocities. The only locales that seemed to dodge the gusting wind forecast were Boulder Creek and Bear Creek, and I quickly settled on Boulder Creek due to its proximity.

Low and Clear at the Start

The air temperatures were not expected to reach the fifties until noon, so I decided to play pickleball in the morning and then make the short drive to Boulder. I prepared my lunch on Thursday evening and gathered up some of my essential fly fishing gear, but I was not fully committed in case the wind became a factor in Boulder as well. By the time Jane and I returned from pickleball, it was 12:15PM, so I quickly packed the remainder of my necessary gear, and I consumed my standard lunch. One of the items that I retrieved for my initial fishing outing of 2025 was my new pair of Simms wading boots.

Site of the First Fish of 2025

I arrived at my chosen parking lot in Boulder by 1:25PM, and this enabled me to perch my new boots along the edge of the creek by 1:40PM. I wore my Under Armour long sleeve insulated shirt, my fishing shirt and a fleece layer, and I was actually dressed too warm, as the thermometer peaked at 65 degrees. Boulder citizens and students were out in mass enjoying the unseasonably warm winter day.About to Release Number One

I chose my Orvis Access four weight and marched to the edge of the river near a bridge and began my upstream migration. The water was quite low and clear, although I was unable to check the flows due to ice and snow on the gauge. I tied a peacock hippie stomper to my line, and when I attempted to extend leader from the bend of the stomper to add a nymph, I discovered that my 5X spool only held four inches. This forced me to remove my frontpack and backpack, as I searched the backpack pocket for a new spool. It was there, and I swapped it with the empty spool on my tippet minder, and I added a beadhead hares ear nymph on a two foot leader.

Run Next to Overhanging Bank Produced

For the next two hours I proceeded upstream through some very shallow stretches and along a few ice shelves, as I prospected the two fly dry/dropper. The two hours actually exceeded my expectations, as I landed two brown trout that gobbled the hares ear. The first trout was a respectable twelve inch fish, and number two was eight or nine inches. Nevertheless, I was quite pleased to begin 2025 with a two fish day in February.

Little Number Two

I skipped the shallow sections and searched for faster moving riffles and runs at the entry point to deep pools. I was forced to stay back and execute long casts in order to avoid spooking any fish in the thin water. Both my catches came from the type of water I just described.

Friday was a spectacular day in February, and I managed to land a pair of fish to begin the new year. Hopefully I will not have to wait too long for another mild day, but I am certainly prepared to do so.

Fish Landed: 2

Deer Hair Caddis – 02/02/2025

Deer Hair Caddis 02/02/2025 Photo Album

One can delve deeper into this fly by starting with my 02/11/2024 post and then following the links back in time. This fly has been a mainstay in my arsenal, since I began fly fishing in Pennsylvania in the 1980’s. This is not surprising given the prevalence of caddis flies throughout the world.

Olive-Brown Ligas Size 14

The fly is rather simple to tie with only a dubbed abdomen, deer hair wing, grizzly hackle, and dubbed thorax. The most difficult aspect of this tie is preventing the wing from rolling around the hook shank. My steps to prevent this are a solid pinch, twisting the thread clockwise to create a narrow cord with bite, and then winding forward a bit through the deer hair stubs in the same manner utilized for stimulators.

Light Gray Size 14

When I am fishing a dry/dropper and experiencing refusals or a single large dry fly that results in similar snubs, I often switch to a large lead dry with a size 14 or 16 deer hair caddis as the trailer. The large front fly enables me to follow the earth toned caddis, and quite often the fish suck in the trailer. The hippie stomper/deer hair combination can be quite effective.

Fresh Supply of Deer Hair Caddis with Materials

I have narrowed my supply of deer hair caddis down to two body colors; Ligas olive-brown and light olive, and these seem to serve my needs. I also carry some with a light tan body, but I rarely resort to them. I determined that I needed four additional olive-brown in size 14 and five more in light gray, and I quickly produced them for my fly boxes. I also tied four light gray in size 16 because I had them in an unraveling state in my damaged fly canister. Bring on the 2025 caddis hatches.

Harrop Hairwing Green Drake – 01/31/2025

Harrop Hairwing Green Drake 01/31/2025 Photo Album

It appears that I have not tied Harrop green drakes in quite awhile, as my last post was on 04/13/2018, and that is very late in my annual fly tying cycle. My post of 12/29/2015 provides the story of my introduction to this productive fly. My lack of more recent posts suggests that I have not used the hair wing extensively in recent years, or perhaps I posted under a different name that avoids my search string.

Size 14

The hair wing version of the green drake is very similar to the comparadun from a color perspective; however, it possesses the unique characteristics of hackle and a swept back deer hair wing. The hardest aspect of tying the fly is positioning the angled deer hair as the last step and preventing it from rolling around the hook or sliding into the hook eye.

Size 12 Hovering

This fly is usually my third option during green drake emergences; however, on occasion I knot it to my line as a prospecting pattern, as it resembles a stimulator. I had quite a bit of success prospecting this fly during July on the upper Arkansas River during gray drake activity.

Batch of Six with Materials

My count revealed that I was running low on both size twelves and fourteens, so I cranked out four fourteens and two twelves. Hopefully these flies will see some action during 2025.

Green Drake Comparadun – 01/27/2025

Green Drake Comparadun 01/27/2025 Photo Album

My second most used type of green drake imitation is the comparadun style. My post of 02/06/2024 contains more information on this fly as well as a link to previous posts. I always choose the parachute green drake as my first offering during green drake hatch time periods, but as I mentioned in my recent 01/27/2025 post, sometimes the parachute loses effectiveness, and when this happens, I switch to a comparadun. My theory is that midway through the hatch, the trout tune in to the large fluttering wing of the western green drakes, and the high fan shaped wing of the comparadun matches that triggering characteristic.

Size 14 Comparadun

I used to tie the comparaduns with splayed microfibbets for the tail, but these flies tended to sink after a while. The split microfibbets were not enough to help support the large size 14 or 12 body. Recently I converted to moose mane tails, and these seem to do a much better job of keeping the green drake comparadun afloat. Visibility is another issue with the comparadun, as the dark wing and body blend with the stream, and it takes quite a bit of concentration to track the fly. Not being able to see ones fly is a major impediment to catching fish. I may experiment with double green drake configurations this summer, with the parachute version and its visible white tipped wing leading the way followed by the dark and sinister comparadun. I’m surprised I never tried this before.

Size 12 Comparadun

I counted my supply of comparaduns in size 14 and 12, and I decided to make an additional seven fourteens and three twelves. I already have a decent supply of microfibbet versions, but these will be relegated to back up duty, while I build my supply of moose mane tail flies.

Fresh Batch and Materials



Parachute Green Drake – 01/27/2025

Parachute Green Drake 01/27/2025 Photo Album

Read my post from 02/05/2024 for a description of my love affair with western green drakes. Who does not like fishing to a large mayfly that emerges consistently on western rivers during the summer and mostly in the middle of the day? The trick is finding them. I have had pretty decent success targeting them on tailwaters, but the task of meeting them on freestones is a much more variable proposition.

My premier classroom for observing and learning about the habits of western green drakes is on South Boulder Creek. Emergences are fairly reliable from the beginning of August through the middle of September. Over the years I have developed a menu of four green drake dry flies for instances, where I encounter them. The parachute green drake is consistently the top producer, although I have learned that it shines during the pre-hatch time period and during the early stages of the emergence. Why? Are fish mistaking it for a spinner or is the low position of the body in the surface film representative of emerging mayflies?

Size 14 Parachute Green Drake

When I notice the flies fluttering during their clumsy efforts to get airborne, the effectiveness of the parachute green drake tends to wane. A switch to a comparadun or Harrop hair wing generally produces more favorable results, and this explains why I tie and carry so many types of green drakes dry flies.

Size 12 Angled Left

I went through a phase, where I tied green drakes with microfibbet tails and turkey flat wings, but I have now settled on moose mane tails and a white poly wing. The things that remain constant are the Ligas pale olive body with a maroon thread rib and the olive grizzly saddle for the parachute hackle. I have also discovered that the fly fishes better with a slightly over sized wing that equals a bit more than the shank length. I suspect the moose main tail is more visible than microfibbets, and a small clump is more effective in supporting the large fly.

Materials Needed to Tie Parachute Green Drakes and a Batch of New Green Drakes

I counted my supply of size 12 and 14 parachute green drakes with poly wings and moose mane tails, and I determined that I needed to tie six additional size 14’s and three more size 12’s. I also own a decent supply of parachutes with turkey flat wings, but they are relegated to the bottom of the pile. Unfortunately I need to wait until July to test the effectiveness of these flies.

Chubby Chernobyl – 01/24/2025

Chubby Chernobyl 01/24/2025 Photo Album

My post of 02/03/2024 provides additional information on the chubby Chernobyl, and it also carries a link to an earlier post. Chubbys have become all the rage over recent years, and as a late adoptee, I must admit that they are very effective. Watching the large wing suck under when a trout grabs a trailing nymph is very seductive.

Large Wings

These flies float well, and they bring trout to the surface for an inspection and eat more often than one might imagine. I like the instructional video by tightlinevideo, Tim Flagler. He presents some tips that seem minor, but in the end, ease the task of tying these monstrosities. Last winter I experimented with some mini chubbys, and I had decent success with them on one particular stream, so I learned that they do not necessarily need to be a large fly.

Tan Body

My favorite color for the body is ice dub tan, and I use a tan foam strip for the overbody. I counted an adequate supply of ice dub tan chubbys, but my stock of other colors was rather minimal, so I produced two with gray bodies and one with a tan body. Tan works quite well with the mini cubbys, so I decided to give them a try in size 8.

Three New Chubbys

Chubby season is around the corner, and I feel properly armed with chubby Chernobyls for the new season.