Crystal Stone – 01/12/2025

Crystal Stone 01/12/2025 Photo Album

Despite my pledge to do otherwise, I mostly ignored this fly in 2024. I have spotted small black stoneflies in the spring and fall, yet for some reason I overlooked this nymph that I designed to imitate those very hatches. I continue to believe that my crystal stone would be a productive fly should I allocate more time on the end of my tippet. For additional information on the crystal stone click on my 01/03/2023 post. My 03/06/2021 post contains a materials table and tying steps. I used this report myself to refresh my memory on steps to tie this fly.

Close Up of Crystal Stone

I love the look of this fly, and perhaps I am the first to design such an imitation. Crystal flash black is used for the tail, wing case and legs; so very few materials are required. I counted my stock of crystal stones, and I concluded that my supply was adequate, but I tied two more to stay in practice. I need to tie one to my line in March, and I plan to keep that thought foremost in my thoughts.

Two New Crystal Stones