Category Archives: Uncategorized

Green Drake Comparadun – 01/27/2025

Green Drake Comparadun 01/27/2025 Photo Album

My second most used type of green drake imitation is the comparadun style. My post of 02/06/2024 contains more information on this fly as well as a link to previous posts. I always choose the parachute green drake as my first offering during green drake hatch time periods, but as I mentioned in my recent 01/27/2025 post, sometimes the parachute loses effectiveness, and when this happens, I switch to a comparadun. My theory is that midway through the hatch, the trout tune in to the large fluttering wing of the western green drakes, and the high fan shaped wing of the comparadun matches that triggering characteristic.

Size 14 Comparadun

I used to tie the comparaduns with splayed microfibbets for the tail, but these flies tended to sink after a while. The split microfibbets were not enough to help support the large size 14 or 12 body. Recently I converted to moose mane tails, and these seem to do a much better job of keeping the green drake comparadun afloat. Visibility is another issue with the comparadun, as the dark wing and body blend with the stream, and it takes quite a bit of concentration to track the fly. Not being able to see ones fly is a major impediment to catching fish. I may experiment with double green drake configurations this summer, with the parachute version and its visible white tipped wing leading the way followed by the dark and sinister comparadun. I’m surprised I never tried this before.

Size 12 Comparadun

I counted my supply of comparaduns in size 14 and 12, and I decided to make an additional seven fourteens and three twelves. I already have a decent supply of microfibbet versions, but these will be relegated to back up duty, while I build my supply of moose mane tail flies.

Fresh Batch and Materials



Salvation Nymph – 12/10/2024

Salvation Nymph 12/10/2024 Photo Album

Of all my flies, the salvation nymph is number one. That says a lot. I really do not have much to add regarding this workhorse nymph. Over the past several years I added the step of applying UV resin to the wing case and the flashback over the abdomen. This enhances the flash of this fly even more. The pearl flashabou strand, the shiny flashback black material, the silver holographic ice dub, and the black peacock ice dub provide flash over every millimeter of this fly, and the fish seem to love it. Feel free to check out my posts from prior years for more information, and you can start with this link to 11/25/2023. It contains a link as well, and you can work backward.

A Model of Flash

As one might expect, given the significant number of hours that this fly resides on my line, I lost quite a few during the past season. I knuckled down at the vise and produced another twenty-six to increase my inventory to one hundred for the start of the new season. One hundred is obviously way more than I need, but I suspect that something will arise in future years that prevents me from tying, so why not possess a safety stock?

Twenty-Six Ready for Action

My previous post with the link above provides some information on how to find tying instructions or how to search for them in case you wish to purchase. Bring on the 2025 salvation chomping trout.

Mini Chubby Chernobyl – 11/08/2024

Mini Chubby Chernobyl 11/08/2021 Photo Album

Several fly tiers that I follow posted images of mini chubbys, and I was intrigued by the idea of a smaller-sized foam fly for instances, where the fish were refusing my larger hopper patterns. I remembered this thought, and toward the end of my 2024 fly tying season, I churned out five mini chubbys with a beige body and light tan foam.

These flies remained forgotten in my fly box until the afternoon of 08/19/2024 on Cascade Creek. I was experiencing a fairly slow day on a creek that was new to me, and for some reason I knotted one of the mini chubbys to my line. Imagine my surprise, when the size twelve chubby with a single wing began to induce aggressive takes from gorgeous stream bred rainbow trout. It was not a fluke, as trout emerged from nearly every prime location to attack the fly.

Model Fly

I visited the same stream a second time toward the end of September, and although the success rate was not as great as the August afternoon, the action was decent and convinced me to tie some mini chubbys during my fall and winter fly tying sessions.

Left Side

The past several days fulfilled my commitment, and I churned out twenty size 12 mini chubby’s for the upcoming season. Nearly all my success occurred on Cascade Creek, so I am quite anxious to determine whether the fly can produce on other western rivers and streams.

If the results replicate 2024 on Cascade Creek, the mini chubby will be a nice addition to my arsenal. It should support a pair of size 14 nymphs, as it contains slightly more surface mass than a hippie stomper. Another favorable factor is tying time. I can crank these flies out faster than I can produce a hippie stomper. I do not view these as a replacement to the hippie stomper, but rather a productive complement.

Twenty Complete

When I researched tying instructions, I noticed that some patterns utilized two sets of legs, and some limited leg attachment to the front next to the wing. I opted for the single set of legs. Fifteen of the mini chubbys were made with light tan dubbing, and I applied light gray dubbing to the other five.

I am very excited to continue the mini chubby experiment in 2025.

Big Thompson River – 10/15/2024

Time: 11:30AM : 4:00PM

Location: Canyon below Estes Lake

Big Thompson River 10/15/2024 Photo Album

After canceling my trip to Carbondale due to an oncoming cold, I was determined to make the most of my week. By Tuesday, fortified with some cold medicine, I felt ready to hit the water for a day of fly fishing. The Big Thompson River called to me—its shorter drive and reputation for a higher ratio of rainbow trout made it an ideal choice. Unlike brown trout, rainbows aren’t fall spawners, which improved my chances to find feeding targets.

Near the Start

This Pool Produced

I arrived at the river around 11:30 AM, greeted by a pleasant 64-degree air temperature. With flows at 25 CFS and crystal-clear waters, conditions were looking promising. Dressed in my trusty raincoat for added warmth, I was ready to dive in.

An Early Brown Trout

Best Brown of the Day Came from This Nondescript Spot

I started my day with a peacock hippie stomper paired with a salvation nymph. Within the first 15 minutes, I experienced one temporary hook-up and two refusals—always a good sign that the fish were active!

Another Respectable Brown Trout

Promising Pool

Makes Up for Lack of Size with Color

After a quick lunch, I resumed fishing with the same flies, and to my delight, I managed to land three trout. One of the rainbows took the salvation nymph, while the other two favored the hippie stomper. By 12:30 PM, however, I started to notice refusals to the stomper. Time for a change!

Lovely Pattern on This One

I switched to a size 18 tan deer hair caddis, which quickly accounted for another trout. Yet, after that initial excitement, I hit another lull. Not deterred, I upsized to a size 14 light gray deer hair caddis, and that’s when things really took off!

Typically Productive Water Type

This new combination clicked perfectly, and I was thrilled to build my fish count from three to an impressive twenty-two before calling it a day. At one point, a decent fish broke off my light gray caddis, prompting me to switch to an olive-brown version. Throughout this productive stretch, both the hippie stomper and the caddis generated nearly half of the landed trout each.

Light Olive Body Background Color

The day’s catch was a healthy mix, with rainbows outnumbering browns at roughly a 60% to 40% ratio. The sizes were comparable, with my largest catch reaching a solid thirteen inches—quite the impressive fish by Big Thompson standards!

Emphasis on Pink

My day on the Big Thompson far exceeded my expectations. The dry fly action during this time of year was a delightful surprise and a reminder of why I love this sport. With the five-day forecast predicting continuing mild weather, I’m already contemplating another fishing trip.

Deep Spot Between the Rocks

As I reflect on this outing, it’s clear that even when plans change, sometimes the unexpected adventures turn out to be the best ones. Here’s to more days on the river!

Fish Landed: 22

Colorado River 2 – 09/18/2024

Time: 10:00AM – 4:00PM

Location: Middle Colorado River

Colorado River 09/18/2024 Photo Album

For this blog post, I am offering two versions. One was composed by me as usual and the other used artificial intelligence. Can you guess which is which, and tell me your preference?

Yesterday, I finally got to experience the long-awaited guided float fishing trip on the Colorado River. After a couple of washouts due to high and muddy waters earlier in the summer, I was excited to hit the river with my friend Dave G. and our guide, Reed. The anticipation had been building, and as I drove to Dave’s house in Eagle, Colorado, I couldn’t wait for the adventure that lay ahead.

We met at the boat launch by 10:00 AM. The sky was a stunning pure blue, but the air was brisk, with temperatures lingering below 40 degrees. I layered up in fleece and a rain shell, shedding a layer within the first hour as the sun warmed us up. By lunchtime, I was down to just my fishing shirt—a testament to how quickly the day transformed.

A Bit of Cloudiness

Reed had rigged up my Sage One five weight with new Rio Gold fly line, which performed beautifully. He also set up Dave’s rod and a six weight for me, outfitted with a dry/dropper configuration. I claimed the front of the boat, eager to get started. Reed’s dog, Edna, accompanied us as always, adding a bit of charm to the outing.


Funky Midge Cluster

The morning began with high hopes as I cast a double dry rig featuring a size 14 caddis and a funky midge cluster imitation. Unfortunately, the fish seemed uninterested. Meanwhile, Dave G. was reeling in a few on his dry/dropper setup, prompting me to switch tactics. I opted for a large attractor top fly paired with a Pat’s rubber leg and a perdigon nymph. It proved to be the right call; by the time we paused for lunch along the riverbank, I had landed ten nice trout!

Nice Morning Catch

After lunch, Dave and I switched positions in the boat, and I continued to increase my count, bringing my total to sixteen. Reed made adjustments to my rig, introducing a psycho baetis along with the rubber legs. While the rubber legs were still dominating, the baetis helped reel in a few more fish.

Hopper Eater

The highlight of the day came in the afternoon, as we approached a densely vegetated bank. Reed set us up with solo hopper flies, and I managed to cast close to an overhanging grassy bank. A thrilling moment unfolded as I witnessed a sixteen-inch brown trout rise to meet my fly—a visual eat that I’ll cherish long after the trip. Despite that excitement, the hopper action remained slow, and we soon switched back to our dry/dropper setups, landing a few more trout before reaching our takeout at 4:00 PM.

Focused on the Mouth and Lip

The day was mostly delightful, despite the afternoon winds that plagued us. I found myself in a few tangle mishaps until Reed stepped in with a brilliant short over-the-left-shoulder backhand cast to counter the crosswind. With the temperature reaching a comfortable 70 degrees, the fish were hungry, and we capitalized on pounding the banks with our dry/droppers. Thanks to Reed’s expertise in positioning the drift boat, we were able to maximize our chances.

Color Changing Along River Bottom

In total, I landed 19 fish, and the experience was well worth the wait. Here’s to more days like this on the water!

Fish Landed: 19

Colorado River 1 – 09/18/2024

Time: 10:00AM – 4:00PM

Location: Middle section

Colorado River 09/18/2024 Photo Album

For this blog post, I am offering two versions. One was composed by me as usual and the other used artificial intelligence. Can you guess which is which, and tell me your preference?

I scheduled two float fishing trips with my friend, Dave G., and guide, Reed, for the summer of 2024. The first two were washed out by high and muddy water. Wednesday, September 18 was my regularly scheduled second trip, so I made the drive to my friend, Dave G.’s house in Eagle, CO on Tuesday evening in anticipation of the guided float. Severe weather warnings were in place for Colorado for Tuesday evening, and I was concerned that I would be the victim of another cancellation. Our guide, Reed, contacted Dave G. on Tuesday evening, and they made the final arrangements for our time and place to meet.

A Bit Off Color

By 10AM on Wednesday morning the three of us were positioned at a boat launch along the Colorado River. According to Reed the river flows were up compared to his previous float, and the clarity was a bit off color, but not enough to inhibit our fly fishing prospects. The sky was pure blue and remained so for the remainder of the day, but the temperature on the car dashboard registered less than 40 degrees. To start, I wore two layers of fleece and my rain shell, but within the first hour I shed a fleece, and by lunchtime I was down to just my fishing shirt.

I strung my Sage One five weight with my new Rio Gold fly line spooled onto the reel. During my day on the river, I was quite pleased with the performance of the new line. Before we started, Reed rigged Dave G’s rods and then prepared a second six weight rod for me that was outfitted with a dry/dropper configuration. I chose the front of the boat for the morning, and we blasted off. Reed’s dog, Edna, as usual, was along for the ride, and we were barely aware of her presence.


Funky Midge Cluster

In the early going I tossed a double dry rig that featured a size 14 caddis and a funky midge cluster imitation, but these flies did not interest the fish. Dave G. was having a bit of success with his dry/dropper, so I switched to the previously rigged six weight with a large attractor top fly and a Pat’s rubber leg and a perdigon nymph. Over the remainder of the morning the action improved, and by the time we paused for lunch along the river bank, I landed ten nice trout.

Nice One from the Morning

After lunch Dave G. and I switched positions, and we continued our float, as I continued to increase the fish count to sixteen. At some point in the mid-afternoon Reed reconfigured my offerings to include a psycho baetis along with the Pat’s rubber legs. The rubber legs continued to dominate the catch statistics, but the baetis accounted for a few fish as well.

Foliage Changing Color Along the River Bank

Toward the middle of the afternoon, we approached a bank along the western side of the river that contained dense vegetation, so Reed set Dave G. and I up with solo hopper flies. Armed with these big attractors, we splatted casts close to the bank, and I managed to boost the fish count by a few.

Hopper Eater

A highlight was a drift that bobbed less than a foot from an overhanging grassy bank that resulted in a visual eat. The grasshopper molester was a sixteen-inch brown trout, and the memory of this encounter lingered in my mind. In spite of this success, the hopper action was slow, so we switched back to our dry/dropper rods and hooked a few more trout before reaching the takeout at 4:00PM.

Focused on the Mouth and Lip

Wednesday was mostly a delightful day, although afternoon winds plagued us on a regular basis. I was guilty of creating some nasty snarls, until Reed demonstrated a short over-the-left shoulder back hand cast to counter the cross wind. The cast also kept he and Dave G. out of harm’s way for an added benefit. The temperature was around 70 degrees, and the fish were hungry. Nearly all of our casting involved pounding the banks with dry/droppers, and quite often a willing trout consumed our offerings. It was definitely a nymphing day. Reed was expert in positioning the drift boat to place us in advantageous positions to catch fish. I finally logged a guided float trip in 2024, and it was well worth the wait.

Fish Landed: 19

Redington Sonic Pro Waders – 08/01/2024

Redington Sonic Pro Waders 08/01/2024 Photo Album

I normally do not write equipment reviews, but I thought my experience with this brand of waders merited a report. In December of 2021 my wife gave me new waders as a Christmas gift. I researched waders and picked out the Redington Sonic Pros as a wader brand that was middle of the road price wise, yet it appeared to be more durable than some of the waders in the lower price bracket.

When the waders arrived, and I inspected them, after Christmas of course, I noticed that the edges of the seam tape were curled up and not properly adhered on both the right and left neoprene boots. I thought perhaps this was an issue, but I concluded that the main portion of the tape remained adhered, and it covered up the seam. In my haste to accept the new waders and avoid the hassle of returning them, I ignored this warning sign.

Wader Top and Stocking Feet Seams

I used the waders for the 2022 and 2023 seasons, and they never leaked. However, on Wednesday, July 30, when I returned to my car after a day of fishing, I removed my waders and discovered that my sock was soaked. I was able to wring water out of the sock, so it was not the typical small pinhole leak.

Large Seam Split on This Foot

The Other Foot

On Wednesday afternoon I leak checked both legs and feet, and I discovered a seam leak on the right boot foot. The seam separation was over an inch in length, and this was the point of entry of the water. I was going to coat it with a sealer, but before I did so, I turned the waders right side out, and this is when I discovered that there was a severe separation of the seam on both boot feet where the tape had previously covered and protected the seam. By now the tape peeled off and was no longer protecting the seam from wear and tear. I concluded that coating the split on the inside of the neoprene boot foot was a waste of time, because the seam would surely continue to separate.

This Clearly Shows How the Tape Peeled Away Only In the One Section Where It Was Not Properly Adhered

The Other Foot

I emailed Redington and admitted that the waders were beyond the warranty period, but I felt that faulty workmanship reduced the life of the waders, and I asked for some consideration. A prompt reply was returned, and Redington simply cited the one year warranty policy. I am posting this report to warn potential buyers of the tape problem with Redington Sonic Pro waders. Please inspect your purchase and return it, if there is even the slightest imperfection.

Willow Creek – 07/17/2024

Time: 10:30AM – 3:15PM

Location: National Forest land

Willow Creek 07/17/2024 Photo Album

Note: In order to protect small high country streams, I have chosen to change the name for a few. This particular creek happens to be one of them. Excessive exposure could lead to crowding and lower fish densities.

A friend of mine from college asked me to mentor his grandson, who displayed a new interest in fly fishing. My friend’s sixteen year old grandson, Ben, lives in Golden, CO, and he recently took up fly fishing. I eagerly agreed to the proposal, as I am a proponent of introducing young folks to my favorite pastime. Increasing the participation in fly fishing can only help promote conservation efforts and the health of our fish stocks and waterways. With the serious threat of climate change more advocates to protect the environment is a necessity.

I communicated with Ben’s mother, Alison, and we arranged to meet on Wednesday morning at 8:30AM. Ben’s house was along the route to the stream that I chose, I provided a list of essentials for a day of fly fishing to Alison, and when I arrived at their house Ben was prepared and eager.

We made the drive to a pullout near the stream, and Ben prepared to fish, while I did the same. A coworker with Ben’s father gave him two fly rods, and Ben assembled his 8.5 foot two piece six weight. I did not plan to fish, but I built my Orvis Access four weight just in case. The only gear that I provided was a small net with a retractor and clip.

Prime Pool

Once we were ready, we hiked down the road a short distance, and then we cut to the creek. I asked Ben to make some casts, and he displayed some of the typical beginner faults such as moving the rod tip too far between the forward and back casts. I offered some tips for improvement, and by the end of the day, Ben was tossing fifty foot casts to target areas. Once I was convinced that Ben was able to target casts that would generate positive results, we launched our day.

My Client on Wednesday

Between 10:30AM and 3:15PM we covered a significant amount of stream real estate, and Ben landed nineteen wild trout. In his words, he quintupled his lifetime number of fish landed! He was a quick study and greatly improved his ability to cast, read the water, and strip line to eliminate slack before setting the hook. He also improved his ability to handle fish, remove the fly and keep his catches wet.

Brook Trout Netted

Ben was the perfect guiding client. He said thank you to me for everything I did. He was attentive and accepting of instruction and polite to the extreme. He even pretended to be interested in my fish stories.Pretty Fish

I managed to land a couple brook trout along the way, but I mostly assisted and avoided fly fishing for one day. Over the course of the day Ben landed eighteen brook trout and one brown trout. He was rather excited to net the brown trout, and we both agreed that he hooked two additional browns that he failed to land. The brook trout were splendid fish, and they splashed all the colors of the rainbow. Ben could barely contain his admiration for the small jewels that rested in his net. Most of the trout crushed the hippie stomper, although a beadhead pheasant tail yielded a few in the early afternoon, and in the late going he nabbed a few on a yellow stimulator and olive-brown size 16 deer hair caddis. Ben got a taste of dry fly fishing, dry/dropper and double dry approaches.

Quick Release

Promising Spot Ahead

I was very proud of Ben’s improvement and accomplishment. Hopefully he gets additional opportunities in the near future to reinforce his newly acquired skills. I would be open to additional fishing outings, although in the future I would not be the guide, but instead I would be a fishing companion.

Fish Landed: 2

Curtain Ponds – 06/17/2024

Time: 12:30PM – 3:30PM

Location: Two of the ponds

Curtain Ponds 06/17/2024 Photo Album

In an attempt to salvage my fly fishing day on Monday, I made the drive through the Eisenhower Tunnel in order to arrive at the Curtain Ponds. The drive consumed around an hour, and I decided to eat my lunch in the car upon my arrival before starting my afternoon session.

Tail of a Pond

I remained in my waders, and my fly rod was already rigged, so I was off to one of the ponds in a short amount of time. I began with a peacock hippie stomper and trailed a size 16 light gray deer hair caddis, and almost instantly I began to connect with small brook trout. I followed the curving shoreline for the remainder of the afternoon, and I managed to net twelve brook trout that exceeded my six inch minimum in order to register on the fish counter. In the early going most of the trout snatched the caddis, but a few indulged in the meatier hippie stomper.


After an hour of this double dry game, I decided to test the waters with a double nymph dropper. I began with a bright green go2 caddis and cycled through an ultra zug bug, beadhead pheasant tail nymph, a prince nymph, and a partridge and orange wet fly. During this phase I landed a couple fish subsurface; one on the caddis pupa and one on the partridge and orange, but most of the action derived from the hippie stomper.


By 2:30PM the wind began to gust at ridiculous levels. At one point a gust whipped my hat off my head, and the hat landed ten feet away. I had the hat tethered, but the strong gust separated the clip from my fleece collar. The felt hat gradually began absorbing water, and I was convinced that it would sink to the bottom, so I began to wade toward it at a rapid pace; well, as fast as one can wade in water up to one’s thighs and through a soft sinking bottom. Through some miracle, the hat remained in a partial floating state, as I reached out my wading staff and prodded it within reach. It was a soggy mess, so I clipped it to my collar and allowed it to rest against my back, while I attempted to fish without a hat. I gained new appreciation for hat brims, as I had to use my hand to shield my eyes on several occasions.Wind and Waves

Eventually the ferocious wind dried my hat enough that I decided to mount it once again on my head, and the wet brim actually felt somewhat refreshing. For the last hour I spent my time fighting the wind. I should have quit after the hat incident. In one comedy act. my line got snagged somewhere on my backpack, and this forced me to remove my frontpack and backpack to locate the snagged fly and free it. When I hurriedly set my backpack on the edge of the bank, it slid down into the water for a brief second, before I grabbed it and threw it back on land. The wind created six inch waves, and that is quite large for such a small body of water.

Pretty Handful

For the last hour I decided to try indicator nymphing, as the pond narrowed, and this created much greater depth. I used a split shot, thingamabobber, beadhead pheasant tail, and a black balanced mini leech; but, alas, the effort was not rewarded, and I failed to add to the fish count.

The brook trout all fell within the six to nine inch range, but I was not about to complain about the action after the morning skunking at Clear Lake. I would like to give the Curtain Ponds another chance under calmer conditions. If runoff persists, I may get my chance sooner rather than later.

Fish Landed: 12

Sprague Lake – 05/18/2024

Time: 12:45PM – 1:45PM

Location: Western and northern shoreline

Sprague Lake 05/18/2024 Photo Album

I made the turn on to the Sprague Lake parking lot access road, and I instantly regretted my decision. The place was jammed with tourists. I crossed the bridge and made a right turn, and immediately I could see that cars were parked along the quasi-shoulder. I headed to the parking lot, but the three cars ahead of me stalled, as they waited for a car to depart from a space; and, thus, provide an open parking spot. I knew I was not going to snag a spot in the lot, so with no cars coming towards me on the one-way loop, I shot straight ahead for twenty yards and made a quick U-Turn and then secured a spot on the shoulder along with the rest of the mob.

I gathered my gear and hiked the short distance to the lake, and I was on the western shoreline. The trail that followed the lake was heavily trafficked, and I grew concerned about my ability to execute backcasts among all the hikers. I strode along the western edge of the lake while heading north, and I finally saw a gap with no trees, where I felt I could toss some casts. This part of the lake was quite shallow, so I decided to wade in a bit to generate clearance and enable shorter casts to deeper water. I was ten feet from shore, and I was now able to discern that the shallow depth continued out for quite a distance, so I decided to move on to the north shore, where I recalled from previous visits that the depth was greater. I attempted to lift my right foot to step backwards, but both my feet were now mired in the muck. The weight of my upper body shifted, but my legs did not follow, and I took a quick fall into the lake. I immediately righted myself, but it was not before some cold water spilled over the top of my waders. My wader belt contained most of the puddle, but some moisture managed to trickle down to my long underwear. Fortunately it got absorbed, before it reached my feet and socks, so I was spared the worst case scenario of sloshing feet. Adding to my state of distress was the pack of tourists who stopped to watch me fish, and they were now treated to a close up view of my pratfall. They kindly asked if I was OK, and I never heard laughter, although that probably commenced, after I departed.

Sprague Lake Under Overcast skies

What should I do now? I paused to assess the damages, and I determined that my right sleeve and right chest were very wet, but the water inside my waders was somewhat contained, so I gritted my teeth and decided to fish on. When I approached a small outlet stream, I paused to wash the mud off my right hand, and then I moved a short distance, until I was beyond the handicapped platform. Of course, by now some dark gray clouds moved in and blocked the sun, and this led to some gusting wind and a riffled lake surface. I carefully waded into the lake for fifteen feet, and I began laying out medium range casts. I was careful to glance backward before each casting action to make sure there were no human beings or bushes to interfere with my efforts. I fanned a series of casts from right to left, but the whole exercise struck me as quite futile. The waves and glare made it extremely difficult to follow the fat Albert, and the wind was causing the moisture in my shirt to evaporate, and this in turn was creating a significant chill in my core.

Brown Trout Was a Big Surprise

I decided to surrender, and I began to strip the hopper back toward me in rapid fire spurts. The hopper was actually skimming the surface, when a fish rose and swatted the imitation. This, of course, sparked some deep thoughts, and I removed the hopper and nymphs and converted to a double dry with a peacock hippie stomper and an olive body deer hair caddis.  When ready, I tossed the double dry in the vicinity of the aggressive follow of the hopper, and whack, a splashy rise consumed the hippie stomper. I was shocked, but I maintained my presence of mind long enough to set the hook. I expected an eight inch brook trout, but this fish was obviously larger than that as evidenced by its feisty effort to break free of my line. After a couple strong runs, I gained the upper hand and slid a wild thirteen inch brown trout into my net. I waded to the shoreline to snap a photo, remove the hook and release the fish; and as I was doing so, a group of Asian hikers approached. They were quite fascinated by my fish, and in broken English asked what type of fish it was. I informed them that it was a brown trout, and as they looked on, I allowed the prize catch to swim away to freedom. I suppose they were horrified to see such a nice piece of meat return to the lake.

Poised to Return

I was now optimistic about my prospects for additional action, so I once again fanned casts from right to left. The sky darkened again, and gusts of wind created mini waves. I allowed the flies to rest, and then I imparted quick strips or long strips, but none of these actions created any interest from resident fish. Once again I was quite chilled and some shivering began, so I decided to call it quits. Dry clothes and the warmth of the car were far more appealing than standing knee deep in a lake in wet clothing with hundreds of park visitors watching my every move.

Of course, when I returned to the car, the sun reappeared, and I questioned my hasty exit, but I returned to my senses and ended my day. After I removed my waders, I jumped in the backseat of the car to change out of my wet underwear, and of course a man was in the truck behind me with his engine running. In addition , a small herd of elk appeared in a little valley on the other side of the road, and a parade of tourists holding cameras and phones joined the proceedings. I exercised quite a bit of caution in my change over, as an arrest for indecent exposure would have punctuated my day with another dose of ill fortune.

The fishing on Saturday was not very exciting, but I encountered quite a few offbeat experiences to provide grist for an interesting report. Lakes and tailwaters are clearly my only options for the next month or more.

Fish Landed: 1