Category Archives: Fly Tying

Blogs related to tying flies

Paradrake – 09/11/2012

Paradrake 09/11/2012 Photo Album

I was not satisfied with the performance of my green drake comparaduns during my last visit to the Frying Pan River and also on a recent outing on South Boulder Creek. I was able to get only a couple drifts until the fly began to sink and required sponging the moisture with my shirt and dipping in the drying powder. As I planned another trip to the Frying Pan River, I decided to do something about it.

HookTiemco 200R
WingWhite calf body hair with bottom half colored with black permanent marker
Tail5-6 moose mane fibers
RibMaroon sewing thread
AbdomenLight olive dubbing
HackleGrizzly hackle
ThoraxLight olive dubbing

I searched on line for green drake parachute fly and found a link to an Oregon fly shop with a video demonstrating the tying of a paradrake. I liked the style of fly and decided to make some prior to leaving for the Frying Pan on Thursday, September 13. The main feature I gained from the tying demonstration was how much thicker the moose mane tail was. The fly shop pattern used CDC as the wing and goose biots for the body and I didn’t care for these options so I adapted my own materials.

New Paradrake for Better Flotation

I stayed with the same Tiemco 200R size 12 3XL hook that I was using previously. I feel that this is the correct size other than for the smaller South Boulder Creek version, and I’ll address that later before I visit that stream again. I used olive thread and tied on a white calf tail wing. After I stood the wing up and created a thread base for wrapping the parachute hackle, I used a permanent black marker to color the bottom half of the wing. This resulted in a gray shade, but the top or tip of the wing remained white for better visibility. Hopefully this won’t turn off the fish. Picking up the drab olive/gray green drake is very difficult for my aging eyes.

Wellerfish Paradrake from Bottom

Next I moved to the tail and tied in five or six stacked moose mane fibers. I wrapped the thread up over the butt section of the moose mane almost to the base of the wing. I feel the hollow moose mane fibers will also add buoyancy. Next I returned to the base of the tail and tied in a section of maroon sewing thread for the rib. I dubbed the abdomen with the same light olive material that has proven itself on my comparaduns and then wrapped the ribbing to the base of the wing. Next I tied in a grizzly hackle concave side pointing down. The fly shop video used a grizzly hackle dyed olive, and if I had this material I would have used it. Hopefully my version isn’t a bit too light. I applied the same dubbing that I used for the abdomen to the thread and wrapped the thorax and then wrapped the hackle parachute style around the wing post.

I’m fairly certain this fly will improve over my comparaduns from a flotation perspective. I’m convinced the main features that are important to a trout from its underwater vantage point are the color of the underside of the body and the general size and silhouette of the fly. I think my version of the paradrake clicks on all these factors. Hopefully I’ll find out tomorrow how my paradrake performs on the upper Frying Pan River.

Teal Baetis Nymph – 02/09/2012

How many different types of baetis nymphs does a fisherman need for his or her fly box? I made some teal baetis nymphs from Scott Sanchez’s book several years ago and pretty much exhausted my supply. As I flipped through the book again, I noticed it and decided to tie a few more.

HookTiemco 2457, size 20 or standard size 20 hook
BeadTiny black, silver or glass bead to fit hook
ThreadDark olive 6/0
RibFine silver wire
Tail/AbdomenSmall clump of teal feather fibers
ThoraxSmall amount of olive dubbing


Nice Side View

Scott’s pattern suggests using a clear glass bead or black metal bead. I had both available, but the glass beads tend to break after a lot of usage so I opted for the metal bead. I threaded five beads on to five hooks and gathered the materials and began to tie. Originally I thought I might make more than five, but after tying several I changed my mind and halted my teal baetis nymph production at five. Tying with the teal fibers is very tedious due to the fragile nature of the twisted fibers. I tore off the fibers two or three times in my efforts to twist and wrap the abdomen.

Tilted to See Teal Abdomen

When I notice blue wing olives hatching, I tend to select a RS2 from my fly patch, but I do recall an occasion when the teal baetis nymph produced. I was on the South Platte River in Wildcat Canyon late in the afternoon and observed some olives emerging. I was running low on RS2’s, and since I’d hiked three miles from my car, I didn’t have the option of returning to the car to supplement the flies on my patch so I selected a teal baetis nymph and fished it as the bottom fly below a beadhead hares ear and attractor top fly. The teal baetis nymph produced well in this situation, thus, I’d like to have a few available.

From the Top


Ultra Zug Free-Living Caddis – 02/02/2012

Scott Sanchez’s book presented a third ultra zug recipe, and I was so enamored with the results of the first two patterns that I replicated, that I decided to tie five ultra zug free-living caddis. As with the others, this is a simple tie and could replace the bright green caddis pupa that take longer to make.

HookTiemco 2457, size 14
BeadBlack to fit hook size
ThreadBlack 6/0
RibStrand of crystal flash
AbdomenLime green dubbing
CollarSparse synthetic peacock dubbing spun behind bead

I raided daughter Amy’s bead collection to obtain the plastic black bead for this fly. Thanks Amy.

Ultra Zug Hare’s Ear – 02/01/2012

The ultra zug hare’s ear is a variation on the ultra zug. I was quite pleased with the ultra zug, and Sanchez provides the recipe for an ultra zug hare’s ear at the end of the chapter. Could this be a faster tie for the beadhead hare’s ear that I tie in large quantities? I made five of these, and I hope to test them in situations where I use the beadhead hare’s ear and compare the performance.
HookTiemco 2457, size 14
BeadGold to fit hook size
ThreadBrown 6/0
TailFibers from partridge or pheasant body feather
RibStrand of crystal flash
BodyNatural hare's mask
CollarSynthetic gray or olive brown dubbing spun behind bead
Ultra Hares Ear with Olive Brown Collar

The pattern called for synthetic hare’s ear dubbing for the abdomen, but I elected to use the scraggly hair from a hare’s mask that I normally use. I believe that the guard hairs protruding in every direction are part of the reason this fly is so effective. For the collar I tried two different materials. On the first three I used the charcoal gray sculpin wool that my friend Jeff sent me. My beadhead hare’s ear has a gray wing case and light brown or tan legs, so I felt the charcoal wool approximated this coloring near the head of the fly. The last two I tied using synthetic olive brown dubbing material. These look equally buggy with a darker coloration near the head of the imitation.

Ultra Hares Ear with Charcoal Sculpin Wool Collar

Ultra Zug – 01/31/2012

Another fly that caught my eye as I perused the Scott Sanchez book was the ultra zug so I decided to make some. I made five with beadheads, and I think these could be used in place of prince nymphs. I love the crystal flash rib and the collar of spun dubbing. They look extremely buggy and require no wing case or feather fibers for legs.
HookTiemco 2457, size 14
BeadGold to fit hook
ThreadBlack 6/0
TailGuinea feather fibers
RibStrand of crystal flash
BodySynthetic peacock dubbing
CollarSynthetic peacock dubbing spun and clipped
Zug Bug

I’m betting the fish will not miss the wing case and legs. I’ve had the most luck with prince nymphs during the Arkansas River caddis season of late April and early May. I believe the trout take the prince nymph for submerged egg layers, and the ultra zug could work well in this situation.

Closer View



Mega Beetle – 01/30/2012

Mega Beetle 01/30/2012 Photo Album

HookTiemco 100, standard dry fly hook, size 12 or desired size
ThreadBlack 6/0
UnderbodyPeacock mylar chenille or synthetic peacock dubbing
BodyBlack 2mm foam cut to oval shape
LegsSmall black rubber legs
IndicatorSmall piece of 2mm foam, color to suit for visibility
Parachute hackleGrizzly neck hackle


I made two new flies from Charlie Craven’s book, so I decided to flip through my fly tying book by Scott Sanchez that I purchased at the Fly Fishing Show several years ago. The mega beetle caught my eye as a nice foam body fly to add to my arsenal. I fish with Chernobyl ants quite a bit, and the mega beetle appears to be a truncated Chernobyl ant. This fly may prove to be a good option in instances when fish refuse the Chernobyl ant with its smaller size and a shape more closely approximating natural beetles.

A Completed Mega Beetle

I tied three mega beetles on Sunday and then added two more on Monday. The trickiest part of this fly is winding the parachute hackle around the strike indicator on top of the beetle. I learned with practice that it doesn’t pay to be delicate with this operation, and the fly benefits from lots of tugging of the hackle and prying up the indicator. I’m sure beetles without hackle would work just as well, but I’m the type that always follows directions.

Top with Parachute Around Indicator

Mugly Caddis – 01/22/2012

Mugly Caddis 01/22/2012 Photo Album

I’m quite excited about the latest batch of flies I tied today, Sunday, January 22. I spotted the fly and tying directions in Charlie Craven’s book, Charlie’s Fly Box, and today I generated six size 16 mugly caddis with olive brown bodies. These flies are purposely designed to be shaggy and unruly, and I love flies that fit that description. I’ve often caught numerous fish on a bedraggled fly, and it seems the more the fly deteriorates, the more the fish respond. The mugly caddis is analogous to buying faded jeans as it is created to look used.

HookTiemco 100, size 16
ThreadBrown 6/0
AbdomenOlive brown dubbing
UnderwingTan or natural snowshoe rabbit foot
WingFine coastal deer hair
ThoraxOlive brown dubbing

Olive Body Mugly Caddis

In order to tie this fly I purchased two tan snowshoe rabbit feet. I’ve never tied a fly with this material, and I’m excited to see how it works. It certainly seems to bring a lot of air pockets to the underwing. In addition to offering a life like appearance, the mugly caddis is fairly easy to tie with only three materials involved.



Snowshoe Rabbit Underwing

Craven Soft Hackle Emerger – 01/19/2012

I finished tying all the flies on the list I generated in November, so now the fun part has arrived. I decided to make some new flies I’d never tied before, and last night I browsed through my Charlie’s Fly Box book by Charlie Craven and selected two new patterns to tie; Craven’s soft hackle emerger and a mugly caddis.

HookTiemco 100 Size 18
ThreadGray 6/0
TailWhite fluoro fiber
WingWhite fluoro fiber
HackleBlue dun hen hackle


The soft hackle emerger appeals to me as a potential alternative to the RS2 that I frequently fish when blue wing olives are in the air. The white tail and wing made from fluoro fiber looks like a true fish attractor.  On Tuesday I made the lunch time drive to Old Arvada and purchased 5 minute epoxy to appropriately finish the jujubaetis flies, bought white fluoro fiber for the soft hackle emerger, and finished my shopping with two tan colored snowshoe rabbit feet for the mugly caddis.

Craven Soft Hackle Emerger

On Wednesday and Thursday I sat down at my vice and produced ten soft hackle emergers. The first five were tied per the directions in the book, and I was quite pleased with the results even though I struggled to fold the hackles. I added five on Thursday night tied on a size 18 scud hook with a small silver bead. I’m anxious to try both types as replacements for the RS2.

Beadhead Soft Hackle Emerger

Jujubaetis – 01/15/2010

At the end of October Dave Gaboury and I drove to the fairgrounds parking lot in Eagle, CO and gathered our rods and headed down the bank to fish the Eagle River across from where Brush Creek enters. The river was fairly low and Dave and I were hoping to catch a few fish after a very slow morning on Brush Creek. The sky was quite overcast and air temperatures fell into the 40’s while we were fishing.

Jujubaetis with Epoxy


We immediately saw a fisherman across from us in the nice long run and riffle below the entrance of Brush Creek. He was landing a fish as we approached the river, and Dave G. called out and asked him what he was using. The friendly fisherman replied, “prince nymph and jujubaetis”. I had seen the jujubaetis pattern in my Charlie’s Fly Box book authored by Charlie Craven, so I resolved to tie this great looking fly. The fact that the gentleman across from us was catching fish on it only reinforced my desire.

Flashback on Top


As I prepared to tie flies for the upcoming season, I made a list of what I planned to tie, and from that list I created a bill of materials. On a Saturday Jane and I drove to Old Arvada and visited Charlie’s Fly Box, and the salesman there helped me obtain the materials necessary to tie jujubaetis nymphs. This weekend I pulled out my book and the purchased materials and made five of these great looking flies. Since tying the jujubaetis involves using two different colors of thread, I made the tail and abdomen on five flies with the white thread and set aside. Next I switched to black thread and tied on the remaining materials. I set these aside and as a last step I added a layer of clear nail polish. I hope to purchase some five minute epoxy and finish them off with the appropriate coating.

Underside with Legs Visible

Trico Spinner – 01/15/2012

Perhaps the first dry fly that I had any consistent success with was the trico spinner. Tricos hatch like clockwork during the summer on the Little Lehigh Creek in Allentown, Pa., and I spent many weekend mornings trying to hook gulping trout on this waterway within the city limits of Allentown. This proved to be a great education in stealthy approach, casting and following a tiny dry fly for a relatively novice fly fisherman like myself.

HookTMC 100 Size 24
TailStiff blue dun hackle fibers
AbdomenBlack thread
WingCharcoal Sculpin wool or white poly yarn
ThoraxBlack dubbing

Trico Spinner

When I moved to Colorado I assumed that my pursuit of trout sipping trico spinners was behind me, but I was mistaken. There are numerous streams in Colorado that host fairly dense trico hatches. Some of the first ones I witnessed were on the South Platte River between Spinney and Eleven Mile Reservoirs. Eventually I encountered spinner falls on the South Platte River near Deckers and some particularly predictable and steady hatches in Eleven Mile Canyon. This past summer I caught a few nice fish on trico spinners on the Arkansas River below Salida.

Top View of Trico Spinner

Because of these occasional encounters with the trico, I depleted my supply and decided to replenish this during January. I consulted my friend, Jeff Shafer, who continues to live in the Lehigh Valley about the latest trends in trico spinner tying. Jeff told me he has had good recent success using charcoal sculpin wool for the wings. This material more closely matches the gray opaque natural trico wing when viewed from beneath the water. Jeff was kind enough to mail me several hanks of sculpin wool, and I used this material to produce seven trico spinners. I also tied five spinners using the white poly wing from my past. Bring on the tricos as I’m ready to offer my charcoal wing imitations this summer.

Charcoal Wing Spinner