20 Incher 12/14/2020 Photo Album
The popularity of the 20 Incher with this avid fly fisherman expanded gradually over the last several years. This phenomenon parallels my increased confidence in the iron sally, so perhaps I discovered the appetite of western trout for stonefly nymphs. They are available throughout the year, and they represent a large chunk of meat, so there is ample logic to support this conclusion.
Size 10 20 Incher
If you click on this link, 11/22/2019, you can peruse my post from last fall, and it provides a nice narration on my introduction to the 20 incher and how and when I utilize this effective nymph. My post of 01/06/2019 displays a materials chart, should you wish to produce a batch. Several solid fly tying videos exist on YouTube with excellent instruction on the tying steps.
Side Profile
I generally follow the standard tying steps with the exception of one component; the wing case. During tying sessions up until this year I substituted a strip of Tyvek for the universally recommended turkey tail quill section; however, this year I returned to the turkey tail section. Initially I switched because the turkey section seemed relatively fragile, but with the addition of a layer of thin UV resin, the fragility issue is remedied, and I believe the coated turkey has a more natural look that the plain, untextured Tyvek.
Seven Size 10 and Two Size 12
I busied myself at the vise a couple days before Thanksgiving and produced ten 20 inchers to replenish my supply. Four were size 12 and six were size 14. Increased playing time on the end of my line causes shrinkage in my inventory, thus, the need for ten replacements. I am certain that my surge in usage of the 20 incher will continue in 2021.