Time: 11:30AM – 4:30PM
Location: Lower Bighorn Sheep Canyon
Arkansas River 03/24/2025 Photo Album
Mild spring weather returned, and after five days in Arizona playing pickleball, I was ready for a change. A visit to a Colorado river was the perfect medicine, and I accepted the prescription with a trip to the Arkansas River. Highs of 74 degrees in Canon City prompted me to focus on the lower Bighorn Sheep Canyon area.
After an incident free drive I arrived at my chosen pullout by 11:00AM, and this enabled me to be in a position to fish by 11:30AM. I wore only my raincoat as a windbreaker, and I assembled my Sage One five weight. Both these choices were driven by the wind, which reached speeds in the low teens throughout my time on the river.
I began my quest for trout with a size 8 yellow fat Albert, a 20 incher, and an olive perdigon, but I was not rewarded with any action, before I took my lunch break beside the river at noon. After lunch I continued in an upstream direction, but the the fish were not cooperative. I took some time after lunch to reconfigure with a peacock hippie stomper trailing the perdigon and a size 22 sparkle wing RS2. I stopped to fish some nice deep glides along the far bank, and as I cast, I noticed several rises in the current seam close to my position.
What was I to do? I just completed the labor intensive task of reconfiguring my dry/dropper. Should I abandon it after ten minutes and switch to a dry fly? The number of rises increased, and the frequency escalated, although the surface feeding never reached a steady rate. I decided to take the plunge, and I kept the hippie stomper in place as a visible indicator and added an eighteen inch tippet section with a soft hackle emerger with a dab of floatant. Nothing.
The fish continued their rhythmic feeding, so I made another change. I replaced the soft hackle emerger with a CDC blue wing olive with a fluffy gray wing. Initially this fly was also ignored, but then it delivered, as I landed three spunky rainbow trout in the 12 to 13 inch range. I am not certain whether it was the fly change or my presentation that changed the results. I began making across and downstream drifts, and all three takes occurred in the current seam as the flies floated downstream.
Eventually the fish stopped rising, but I persisted with the dries, as I moved to another promising location. In a nondescript short pocket along the left bank, a nice brown trout rose to suck in the CDC BWO, thus moving the fish count to four. I was elated with my good fortune that led to catching trout on dry flies on March 24.
Unfortunately the hatch waned, and the water shifted to faster runs, riffles and pockets. The tiny CDC BWO did not seem conducive to the character of the river, so I returned to the dry/dropper approach. I kept the hippie stomper in place, but below it I featured a beadhead hares ear nymph and sparkle wing RS2. The combination delivered one trout that smacked the hares ear, but then I endured a fairly long lull despite prospecting some fairly attractive spots.
I decided to go big, and I replaced the RS2 with one of my new psycho prince nymphs. Voila! The psycho prince delivered a nice rainbow in a deep run that rolled along the left bank. Unfortunately the hares ear and psycho prince were one hit wonders, so I returned to the flies that brought superior results on my previous trip to the Arkansas River. I switched the top fly to an ice dub amber chubby chernobyl for superior floatation and then added a 20 incher and an olive perdigon.
Swept in Front of the Largest Rock and Nailed the Brown Trout
These flies stayed on my line from the middle to late afternoon, and they delivered excellent results. The fish count increased from five to fifteen. I covered quite a bit of the river, and my journey demanded lots of casting under windy conditions, but on a fairly regular basis, a trout grabbed the perdigon or 20 incher. Slow current velocity seemed to be the key, and I ran my flies along current seams and through deep troughs, and the trout responded.
The last fish of the day was also the prize. I lobbed my flies to a deep trough between two fast moving seams, and near the tail of the V, the chubby dipped. I set the hook, and I instantly realized that the combatant on the opposite end of my line was larger than previous landed fish. I released line several times as the rainbow made streaking runs, but eventually it tired, and I gained the upper hand. I slid my net beneath a sixteen inch slab with a brilliant scarlet stripe, and I decided to make it my last fish of the day. What an ending!
Rainbow Emerged from Above the Exposed Rock
On the day I landed fifteen healthy trout, and had I not allowed five to escape, I could have reached twenty. All the trout were twelve inches or longer, and number sixteen was the largest. Number thirteen was a respectable fifteen inch brown, and that was also a gratifying catch. Surprisingly I landed eleven rainbows and only four browns. This ratio is the opposite of what I usually expect on the Arkansas River.
The weather on Wednesday looks promising, so I am already planning another March fishing outing. Stay tuned.