Hermosa Creek – 06/23/2024

Time: 1:30PM – 3:30PM

Location: Below the confluence of the East and West Forks of Hermosa Creek

Hermosa Creek 06/23/2024 Photo Album

I found the Hermosa Trail parking lot, and I was surprised by the presence of quite a few vehicles. I quickly learned that the Hermosa Creek Trail was popular with mountain bikers. I was already suited up with my waders, and my rod was rigged, so I quickly departed. My goal was to fish below the confluence of the two forks in order to find higher flows and more forgiveness for my casts.

High and Tinged with Color

Early Catch

I hiked for .8 mile, and I reached the main stem, but then I encountered five sets of single or paired anglers. I pressed on and eventually cut to the creek at 1.2 miles. I decided to go deep in the slightly elevated and tinged flows, so I swapped the Chernobyl ant for a size 8 yellow fat Albert and then added an emerald caddis pupa on a three foot dropper followed by a size 12 prince nymph on a one foot extension. These flies remained in place for the first 45 minutes, before I swapped the emerald caddis pupa for a salvation nymph, after I spotted what appeared to be pale morning duns.

What I Fish For

For two hours I deployed the dry/dropper, and I boosted the fish count to sixteen. Nearly all the landed fish savored the prince except for one caddis pupa eater and a pair of salvation chompers. I truly enjoyed this two hours of stream fishing. The trout were where I expected for the most part.

Very Nice Section

What was I catching? All but one from the main stem were brightly colored cutthroat, cutbows and rainbows. Several of the cutthroats were stunning with bright red cheeks and breasts. The largest fish was possibly ten inches, but these wild, finned creatures compensated for their lack of size with vivid colors.

Flaming Colors

Just before I quit I encountered a gorgeous long and deep pool created by a small rock dam. Quite a few fish were rising to something small, so I shed the dry/dropper, added a section of 5X and tied on a size 22 CDC BWO. I managed to catch a seven inch brook trout for number sixteen, and then I proceeded to cast to a bush on the opposite bank. I circled around the bottom of the pool and rescued my fly, but when I returned the fish halted their brief feeding. This was my cue to end my day, and I hiked .8 mile back to the parking lot.

A Bit of Depth on the Left

Sunday was a fun day exploring a new stream for me and catching my favorite trout, the cutthroat. The beauty of the fish was matched only by the surroundings.

Fish Landed: 16